Better Austin Today Political Action Committee

BATPAC is a strong and diverse coalition of people who believe it is time to change things before we lose the Austin we all know and love.

If you got the lavender card a few months ago, or if you have been hearing about the Austin City Council’s “H.O.M.E.” Initiative, you understand why we have to act now. The developers are chomping at the bit to go mining for “the gold in them thar hills.”

This time the “gold” is 176,000 of Austin’s Single Family residential properties that will will be turned into “small lots” with dense-packed dwelling units, lots more concrete and pavement, and lots less tree canopy. Your home, whether you own or rent, may sit on one of these residential lots. Either way, if this initiative is passed on December 7, it will ultimately affect you, your property taxes, your rent. You can check your address here.

Our elected and appointed officials say this is about affordability. It is not. It is about profit, and lots of it (but not for you). The H.O.M.E. initiative, spearheaded by District 7 councilmember Leslie Pool, is a Trojan Horse at the gate of our city. It is about taking the golden eggs from the goose that laid them. And Austin is the goose being gutted for its golden eggs.


Is all of this driving you batty?

A BATPAC T-shirt would be a good antidote to all the battiness flying around.